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    Sunday, November 1, 2020

     The doctrine of God is the foundation of the religion of Islam and is central to the teachings of the Holy Qur’an. God is the Supreme Being who exists independently of everything else. He is the sole Creator of the Universe, the Maker of the Heaven and Earth. According to Islam, no event occurs in this Universe without God’s knowledge and implicit consent. He is the ultimate source of every action and happening, animate or inanimate. God created not only the galaxies and stars, but also the life-form on this earth and elsewhere. He is the Nourisher and Sustainer of all creation; He is their Lord.

    AllahBelief in God, the Creator and the Master of the Universe, is common to all religion. But the Islamic name ‘Allah’, in Arabic, applies only to One God and to no one else. Islam advocates belief in the absolute Unity of God in its entire purity as its very foundation. Oneness of God means that He is the God of all people: past, present and future.

    The Holy Qur’an gives the important message that Allah is One. He is Independent. He does not need any support. Everything depends on Him. He has no father and has no son or daughter. There is none like unto Him. (Holy Quran Chapter 112, verses 2-5)

    Islam stresses the need to have firm belief in various attributes of Allah, the Creator and the Controller of the Universe. He is the Lord of all the worlds. He is the Gracious, the Merciful. He is the Master of the Day of judgement. (1: 1-4)

    For human beings, He is a very personal God. He listens to their supplications and prayers (2:187). He provides for all their needs (42:20). He overlooks their shortcomings and forgives their excesses (39:54). He is there whenever they need Him, in distress or prosperity (13:27). He deals with His creation with mercy, love and compassion (3:31).

    He cannot be seen with physical eyes but reveals Himself to man through His Prophets and through the working of His attributes. Allah is eternal and infinite. He lives today as He lived before and will continue to live hereafter. He speaks to people as He spoke in the past. All His attributes are Ever Lasting.

    Belief in Allah (One God)

     The doctrine of God is the foundation of the religion of Islam and is central to the teachings of the Holy Qur’an. God is the Supreme Being who exists independently of everything else. He is the sole Creator of the Universe, the Maker of the Heaven and Earth. According to Islam, no event occurs in this Universe without God’s knowledge and implicit consent. He is the ultimate source of every action and happening, animate or inanimate. God created not only the galaxies and stars, but also the life-form on this earth and elsewhere. He is the Nourisher and Sustainer of all creation; He is their Lord.

    AllahBelief in God, the Creator and the Master of the Universe, is common to all religion. But the Islamic name ‘Allah’, in Arabic, applies only to One God and to no one else. Islam advocates belief in the absolute Unity of God in its entire purity as its very foundation. Oneness of God means that He is the God of all people: past, present and future.

    The Holy Qur’an gives the important message that Allah is One. He is Independent. He does not need any support. Everything depends on Him. He has no father and has no son or daughter. There is none like unto Him. (Holy Quran Chapter 112, verses 2-5)

    Islam stresses the need to have firm belief in various attributes of Allah, the Creator and the Controller of the Universe. He is the Lord of all the worlds. He is the Gracious, the Merciful. He is the Master of the Day of judgement. (1: 1-4)

    For human beings, He is a very personal God. He listens to their supplications and prayers (2:187). He provides for all their needs (42:20). He overlooks their shortcomings and forgives their excesses (39:54). He is there whenever they need Him, in distress or prosperity (13:27). He deals with His creation with mercy, love and compassion (3:31).

    He cannot be seen with physical eyes but reveals Himself to man through His Prophets and through the working of His attributes. Allah is eternal and infinite. He lives today as He lived before and will continue to live hereafter. He speaks to people as He spoke in the past. All His attributes are Ever Lasting.

    Saturday, October 3, 2020

    Click Here-> Faiyaz Shaikh


    Click Here-> Faiyaz Shaikh

    Tuesday, December 17, 2019

     Surah Rahman | Al Quran | Quran Recitation | Hafiz Ahmed Raza Qadri | Surah Rahman

    —————————— TITLE : Surah Rahman ARTIST: Hafiz Ahmed Raza Qadri

    Surah Rahman | Hafiz Ahmed Raza Qadri | Al Quran- Faiyaz's Favourite

     Surah Rahman | Al Quran | Quran Recitation | Hafiz Ahmed Raza Qadri | Surah Rahman

    —————————— TITLE : Surah Rahman ARTIST: Hafiz Ahmed Raza Qadri

    Tuesday, August 21, 2018

     Eeman or Faith is the foundation of Islam, Eeman means our acceptance of all the beliefs, which constitute the Islamic Faith. These are defined in one of the Traditions of the Holy Prophet of Islam, the Holy Prophet Muhammad, may peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, as follows:

    Six Articles of Eeman (Faith) image

    The requirements of faith are that you should believe in Allah and in His Angels and in His Books and in His Prophets and in the Last Day and that you should believe in Allah’s determination of good or of evil (Decree of Allah)”. (Muslim)

    The Six Articles of Islamic Faith mentioned in the above tradition are as follows:

    1. Belief in Allah (One God)

    2. Belief in Angels of Allah

    3. Belief in Books of Allah

    4. Belief in Prophets of Allah

    5. Belief in the Last Day

    6. Belief in the Decree of Allah

    The first five Articles of Faith are mentioned together in different chapters of the Holy Qur’an (2:178, 4:137), while the sixth article is mentioned separately in other chapters (57:23). Let us now briefly discuss these Articles of Faith one by one.

    Six Articles of Eaman (Faith)

     Eeman or Faith is the foundation of Islam, Eeman means our acceptance of all the beliefs, which constitute the Islamic Faith. These are defined in one of the Traditions of the Holy Prophet of Islam, the Holy Prophet Muhammad, may peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, as follows:

    Six Articles of Eeman (Faith) image

    The requirements of faith are that you should believe in Allah and in His Angels and in His Books and in His Prophets and in the Last Day and that you should believe in Allah’s determination of good or of evil (Decree of Allah)”. (Muslim)

    The Six Articles of Islamic Faith mentioned in the above tradition are as follows:

    1. Belief in Allah (One God)

    2. Belief in Angels of Allah

    3. Belief in Books of Allah

    4. Belief in Prophets of Allah

    5. Belief in the Last Day

    6. Belief in the Decree of Allah

    The first five Articles of Faith are mentioned together in different chapters of the Holy Qur’an (2:178, 4:137), while the sixth article is mentioned separately in other chapters (57:23). Let us now briefly discuss these Articles of Faith one by one.

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    Belief in Allah (One God)

      The doctrine of God is the foundation of the religion of Islam and is central to the teachings of the Holy Qur’an. God is the Supreme Bein...

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